Here’s what NOT to do when broken AC happens:

-If your AC is broken and you can’t seem to get it fixed right away, the best thing to do is to bundle up in blankets and sweatpants.

-As long as you have a TV with Netflix, a couch, and snacks nearby, broken AC won’t be so bad.

-For the first day of broken AC, here’s how to survive:

  1. Grieve for your broken AC and list all of its positive qualities.
  2. Get on the internet and research what you should do if your AC isn’t working.
  3. Call an HVAC tech to come fix broken AC ASAP.
  4. While waiting for broken AC to be fixed, eat nachos and watch TV with netflix in sweatpants or boxer shorts!
  5. When broken AC is fixed, unpack clothes from suitcase that was kept out of fear that broken air conditioner would take more time to fix than it actually did :-)!

(- Don’t do any of this stuff!)

-If broken AC is your life situation right now, here’s what you can do:

  1. Gather blankets and clothes that you’ll wear for the next time broken AC happens.
  2. Call an HVAC technician to come fix broken air conditioner ASAP.
  3. Spend the next several days wrapping up in as many sheets, towels, and rugs as possible while watching TV on a laptop with Netflix streaming through your broken broken broken broken broken broken broken broken FOLLOW YOUR HEART broken down air conditioner!

(-Don’t do anything listed above.)—>

  1. When broken AC is fixed, take all of those extra blankets back to storage unit where they don’t belong because this is your apartment and broken AC is definitely not a life situation.

(-Don’t do anything listed above.)—>

  1. When broken AC is fixed, unpack all of those clothes you packed up in anticipation of broken AC being broken longer than it actually was broken broken broken broken broken broken broken broken FOLLOW YOUR HEART!-broken down air conditioner!
  2. When your apartment feels like an oven despite the fact that its residents are wearing all of their winter clothes, eat nachos while watching TV on a laptop with Netflix streaming through broken broken broken broken broke BROKEN FOLLOW YOUR HEART!-BROKEN DOWN AIR CONDITIONER!
  3. Get over yourself for having gotten so worked up about broken AC in the first place. It’s just broken AC after all, not broken broken broken broken broken BROKEN FOLLOW YOUR HEART!-broken down air conditioner! And besides that, it’s been fixed now and your apartment is hot again so there was never anything to worry about in the first place.

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